Raw honey is honey that has not been pasteurised (heat treated) above 45C and has not had its pollen filtered out.
It frequently crystallises quickly due to its high pollen content.
Organic honey is honey that is free of chemicals and antibiotics.
Organic honey has been independently certified to come from a bee hive that is 5 to 8 miles away from the nearest artificial chemical source, i.e. roads, factories, houses, etc.
Pure honey is simply honey to which no ingredient has been added. “Pure honey” does not mean it is raw or organic.
For example, “honey with ginger” or “honey with black seed” is not “pure honey” because an ingredient has been added to the honey.
Ciabo Honey: Genuine organic raw honey produced by bees in the high plateaus of Mesopotami
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Gram | 1.150gr |
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